
Britney Spears Dropped Five Figures on Her Bitches

Britney Spears spent more than $30,000 on dogs -- the ones not named David Lucado -- and let's just say, her puppies are living the life most humans would envy.

According to new legal docs filed in her conservatorship ... Britney bought 2 tiny pups in 2013 that came with enormous price tags -- more than $13K for both of them!

She dropped $5,568 for what looks like a white Maltese in January ... and then in July she spent another $8,212 for its playmate -- a new Yorkie.

Brit even spent $1,585 on CLOTHES for the dogs ($650 in one shopping spree alone)! Throw in another $5,205 on dog-sitting, plus more common pet expenses (like food) --  in all she laid out $31,234.15. Just for the dogs.

FUN FACT: The average teacher's starting salary is about $36,000.
Britney Spears Dropped Five Figures on Her Bitches Britney Spears Dropped Five Figures on Her Bitches Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, September 02, 2014 Rating: 5

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