
See this vibrant young man's view on #Nottooyoungtorun bill


When we were very small, elders told us that we are the leaders of tomorrow. We transformed from one state of life into another, hoping that tomorrow would come one day so that we can actualise the prophecy of our forebears. To our consternation, the tidal wave of time caught us unawares in the web of ageism---the reality of our youthfulness. And within a twinkle of an eye,  the said tomorrow turned today.  We believed it was high time we started controlling our destinies, but of course, that was a mirage. A mere fallacy. We were struck and gripped by self-denial and the effects of our youthful exuberant ignited us---a chunky number of us---to be disillusioned; and thus, we were wallowing in the realms of political harakiri of the neo-oligarchy exhibited by of most of our rulers. Nevertheless,  our undiminished courage and uncompromising valour afforded us remain positives-minded and optimistic; and these have greatly helped us to see beyond. See beyond the ordinary. Today,  things have changed for good and the dice is loaded heavily on our side. The credit goes to the current administration for assenting the much waited, much anticipated #Not_Too_Young_to_Run_Bill. This historical epoch has provided a roadmap that will make today work for us. Yes!  all of us---especially the teeming youth.
Pointedly, we are never carried away with the euphoria of "It's our time to rule". But we're resolute and resilient that the era of "Youthtocracy" has just begun in the Nigerian political trajectory. A time where we see the future and strive to make it work for the next generations with our boils and toils; our unity and strength: our whims and caprices; our failures and successes; our loyalty and patriotism and most importantly, our determination and inscrutability. We can make use of the  changing moments to  turn things around for the betterment of the masses; for the old and the young;  for men and women; for artisans and civil servants;  for teachers and farmers; for traders and manufacturers; for students and lecturers; for doctors and lawyers; for the elites and the entire populace; for you and I ---for everyone.
Beloved Kwarans,  let's be doubly convinced that we can be invincible, unstoppable and indomitable given the strength of our voices. For we have grown beyond sentimentalism, and have proven to the world, beyond reasonable doubt,  that our history has not betrayed us because we are the products of the past. We saw it all, we don't need to be told of that. We have lived through the worst and our ugly memories have eroded with the inherent iota of disunity and barbarism. We've broken away from age long savagery and have seen things---things that keep us together ---beyond ethnic and sectional interests. We believe we can perfect the imperfections...defeat the undefeated... realise the unrealised... And achieve the unachievable. For once,  I never doubt the power of our UNITY. Never!
Dear Compatriots,  we are at the right track to set the record straight; to make things happen ---great things that our generation and the coming ones would be proud of. Of course,  the pride of the today and the coming years, when our present would not shortchange our future---the future of Kwara State. My good people,  from all indications, available statistics show that the youth constitute the largest percentage of the voting population in Nigeria as a whole and our dear state,  Kwara is not an exemption. That's an indisputable fact by the way... We can make use of this opportunity to right the wrongs of the schizophrenia leaders; correct the premeditated errors of the perpetual misrepresentations;  and speak the common language of the people ---PROPER REPRESENTATION. For dividends of democracy is sine qua non to every sane democracy. So,  the time is now to make that work for us,  all of us.
My great people,  don't let us be confined to the zone of the docile. Docility is a mess. Agility is a virtue. We are agile and we can do it. We can not,  I mean can NEVER allow some old wags who engineered our current woes to keep recycling, let alone replacing themselves with their children at the helms of affairs. Let's set out to prove that our generation can never be used and dumped by some forces---agents of anti-people. We are the youth; the image maker of the nation. The ultimate decision resides in us and with our PVC,  we can prove that in more than 1001 ways. Let's get prepared : come together; speak with one voice; and champion our cause to the actualisation of our destinies. Truly, we are #NOT_TOO_YOUNG_TO_RUN. That's why we are on the right track, running for greatness.

See this vibrant young man's view on #Nottooyoungtorun bill See this vibrant young man's view on #Nottooyoungtorun bill Reviewed by Unknown on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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